Carriage, Fiesso Umbertiano, 1890

Home / Cars / Carriage, Fiesso Umbertiano, 1890
Marca: Fiesso Umbert
Modello: Carriage
Anno: 1890

Carriage, Fiesso Umbertiano, 1890

Carriage, Fiesso Umbertiano, 1890s

In the early days of motoring, the automobile was basically a horseless carriage.
There was now an engine to move it, but the building process was the same. This carriage was built around 1890 by Fiesso Umbertiano, strictly in black, it coexisted with the first motorized cars.
For many years, that “marriage” was not a happy one because many people didn’t like automobiles and when a car drove on the road it had to be preceded by a herald with trumpet that warned everyone about the imminent danger.