Home / Typewriters / Odell, 1889, N°2
Marca: Odell Type Writer Co.
Anno di produzione: 1889
Modello: N°2
Nazione: USA
Nome: Odell
Odell, 1889, N°2, USA

The Odell n.2 is an index typewriter with a circular base made by Odell Type Writer Co. of Chicago. Initially the first Odell typewriters were made by the Type Writer Co. on the Lake Geneva, and later the production was moved to Chicago.

The n.2 is the first Odell typewriter capable of typing both upper and lower case letters by using a lever; the base of the machine is decorated in Art Nouveau style, details that will be later found in the following models: n.3, n.4 e n.5.

This typerwiter at the time costed 20 dollars.