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Ferrania Ibis

Ferrania Ibis

Ferrania Ibis, 1954, Italia La Ferrania Ibis fu presentata alla Fiera di Milano del 1952 come apparecchio indirizzato ai giovani o per chi non aveva molta dimestichezza con le macchine fotografiche. Sulla parte superiore della macchina è presente una piccola tabella per l’esposizione tarata sulle pellicole vendute da Ferrania durante gli anni ’50. Era disponibile nei colori nero e...

14 August 202016 June 2022
Museo Nicolis Verona, 1949 AGFA Isolette, ph. Museo Nicolis

Agfa, 1949, Isolette

Agfa Isolette, 1949, Germany The “Agfa Isolette” was a medium-size camera produced by Agfa. The models made were the “Isolette” and the “Automatico 66”. The latter was a foldable camera that was equipped with the automatic exposure control for the first time, it had a Solinar 3.5 and was made in about 5000 samples. The Isolette was made...

6 August 202016 June 2022
Michaux, 1869/70

Michaux, 1869/70

Michaux, 1869/70, France According to reports, the pedal application on the Draisine and the improvements that will turn it into the “Michaudine“, was made by a technician called Lallement, collaborator of Michaux, to whom the Michaux family (that patented the idea) didn’t show the right gratitude. We have to remember that the Michaux family already had...

23 July 20179 February 2024
Museo Nicolis&Lamacart for Comieco-RicicloAperto

Museo Nicolis&Lamacart for Comieco-RicicloAperto

“RICICLO APERTO” Tutti a scuola in Lamacart, per conoscere il ciclo-riciclo della carta e al Museo Nicolis per scoprire come si recuperano anche gli oggetti d’epoca.

Campagna di comunicazione Nazionale, promossa da Comieco in collaborazione con la Federazione della Filiera della Carta e della Grafica, Assocarta, Assografici, AISA e con il patrocinio di: Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare, Anci, Fise Assoambiente, Fise Unire, Unirima e Utilitalia.

25 April 20172 May 2017
Premio “Fedeltà al Lavoro” alla memoria di Luciano Nicolis

Premio “Fedeltà al Lavoro” alla memoria di Luciano Nicolis

Il Self Made Man che ha dato vita a una grande impresa Lamacart attiva sui mercati internazionali e che, nel contempo, ha coltivato un “sogno” alimentato dalla sua sfrenata passione per motori e oggetti antichi, concretizzato nella creazione del Museo Nicolis, perché il ricordo delle gesta imprenditoriali passate possa fare da insegnamento per gli imprenditori e i lavoratori del futuro”.

22 April 201723 November 2018
Gino Bartali, 1955

Gino Bartali, 1955

Gino Bartali, 1955, Italy  Gino Bartali, unforgettable cycling champion, thanks to his huge fame that went beyond Italy, was “enlisted” in the 50s as the emblem of the motorcycles built by Mototecnica, a little company set in Florence. It’s the typical Italian light motorbike, solid with a traditional look.

20 April 201716 July 2024
Gilera, 1939, 500 VTGS “Otto Bulloni”

Gilera, 1939, 500 VTGS “Otto Bulloni”

Gilera 500 VTGS “Otto Bulloni”, 1939, Italy The “VTs” were the first mass-produced motorcycles with overhead valves built by Gilera, between 1935 and 1941. The bike displayed at the museum is the 500 VTGS (Valvole in Testa Gran Sport) model, also known as “Otto Bulloni” (“Eight Bolts”). This is the special version Milano-Taranto. The engine...

20 April 201716 July 2024
Gilera, 1991, CX 125

Gilera, 1991, CX 125

Gilera CX 125, 1991, Italy In the mid 80s Gilera focused on a new 125cc street bike that had to be innovative under a technical, performance and styling point of view. 2-stroke engines, improved by the latest technology of the time, produced around 35 bhp, the same as the racing Saturno from forty years before. The CX was unveiled...

20 April 201716 July 2024
Gilera, 1957, Saturno Piuma

Gilera, 1957, Saturno Piuma

Gilera, Saturno Piuma, 1957, Italy The Gilera Saturno Piuma is a racing motorcycle produced by Gilera from 1952 to 1961. It’s an evolution of the “Saturno San Remo”, made for private racing drivers. The power was slightly increased, with a new aluminum engine, but the most significant innovation was the front and rear hydraulic suspensions. Despite the low power,...

13 April 201716 July 2024
Gilera, 1990, Saturno Piuma GP

Gilera, 1990, Saturno Piuma GP

Gilera Saturno Piuma GP, 1990, Italy Made for the Supermono racing, this new twincam Saturno was called Piuma to remember the 50s predecessor. This is the 41st of 100 produced. The engine is basically identical to the Bialbero, but the difference lies on the light-alloy double-girder “Twin Box” frame, to give it a higher rigidity, a key factor on racing, a...

13 April 201716 July 2024
Gilera, 1959, 175 Rossa Extra

Gilera, 1959, 175 Rossa Extra

Gilera, “175 Rossa Extra”, 1959  Italy The Rossa Extra name comes from its peculiar scarlet red paint with the exception of the two-tone tank. It features a kick starter and the typical plate on the front fender with the Gilera logo.

13 April 201728 January 2024
Gilera, 1963, Giubileo 150 Sport Extra

Gilera, 1963, Giubileo 150 Sport Extra

Gilera, “Giubileo 150 Sport Extra”, 1963, Italy The 150cc displacement, no longer used after 1957, made a comeback in 1962 for a couple of version for the Giubileo range:  the Sport and the Sport Extra that featured an cast iron and an aluminum cylinder, respectively. The 150 Giubileo wasn’t extremely powerful, but offered a comfortable ride and the chance...

13 April 201716 July 2024