#IMD2023 International Museum Day, ICOM

#IMD2023 International Museum Day, ICOM

very year the Nicolis museum participates in International Museum Day, promoted by ICOM

On May 18, on the occasion of International Museum Day, promoted by ICOM, the Nicolis Museum dedicates a special promotion to its visitors:

  • Ticket Adults at a REDUCED price (12 euros instead of 14 euros)
  • FREE admission for children up to 10 years old

This year’s theme is “Museums, Sustainability and Wellbeing” as all Museums play a vital role in shaping and realizing sustainable futures.
The Nicolis Museum was created to celebrate “the passion for Recovery, in all its forms”, a passion that our founder, Luciano Nicolis, has transformed into a concrete practice. The fruit of this passion finds expression today in the Nicolis Museum, which shares its material and immaterial heritage with the international community, bearing witness to the infinite variations of the key concepts of sustainability, especially environmental ones: recycling, recovery, conservation, and enhancement.

For timetables and contacts, click here.