Maserati, 1968, Mistral 4.0

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Marca: Maserati
Modello: Mistral
N. Cilindri / Cilindrata: inline 6 / 4014 cc cc
Potenza: 255 CV
Velocità: 255 km/h
Peso: 1310 kg
Lunghezza: 442 cm
Larghezza: 178 cm
Altezza: 135 cm
Anno: 1968
Esemplari prodotti: 827

Maserati, 1968, Mistral 4.0

Maserati "Mistral 4.0 coupè", Frua, 1968

Following the commercial success of the 3500 GT Touring, Maserati launched a new 2-seater coupé at the 1963 Turin Motor Show. Designed by Frua, the new Mistral anticipated some styling innovations like the hatchback or the integrated front bumper with the front grille inside, that will be adopted by the other car manufacturers years later.
The engine displacement raised from 3500cc to 3700 cc and in 1966 an optional 4-liter engine was available as well.
Sold up to 1970, the Mistral is the last Maserati GT car with an inline engine, a true strong point of the Modenese brand both on track and on the road.