Silvia Nicolis ospite a Cinema & Impresa Festival

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Silvia Nicolis ospite a Cinema & Impresa Festival

Silvia Nicolis ospite a Cinema & Impresa Festival

Silvia Nicolis guest at Cinema & Impresa Festival

The Festival supported by the Verona Chamber of Commerce in its first edition

Silvia Nicolis, President of the Museo Nicolis, will speak at the Cinema & Impresa Festival during the debate entitled ‘Dialogues on enterprise museums’, scheduled for 20 September 2024.

The first edition of the Cinema & Impresa Festival will take place in Verona from 18 to 21 September 2024 and will be a unique opportunity to explore the multiple synergies between creativity and business in the film industry. Conceived and directed by Francesca Pedrazza Gorlero, the festival intends to celebrate the audiovisual economy as a territorial marketing tool, with a focus on sustainability and inclusion. The project is supported by the Chamber of Commerce of Verona and sees the collaboration of WIFTM (Women in Film Television & Media) and the Law and Cinema Laboratory – IUS FICTION of the University of Verona.

For more information on the festival, visit the official website